
EXPLORE: A Prospective, Multinational, Natural History Study of Patients with Acute Hepatic Porphyria with Recurrent Attacks.

Gouya L, Ventura P, Balwani M, Bissell DM, Rees DC, Stölzel U, Phillips JD, Kauppinen R, Langendonk JG, Desnick RJ, Deybach JC, Bonkovsky HL, Parker C, Naik H, Badminton M, Stein PE, Minder E, Windyga J, Bruha R, Cappellini MD, Sardh E, Harper P, Sandberg S, Aarsand AK, Andersen J, Alegre F, Ivanova A, Talbi N, Chan A, Querbes W, Ko J, Penz C, Liu S, Lin T, Simon A, Anderson KE

Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.), 2020 05


Acute hepatic porphyria comprises a group of rare genetic diseases caused by mutations in genes involved in heme biosynthesis. Patients can experience acute neurovisceral attacks, debilitating chronic symptoms, and long-term complications. There is a lack of multinational, prospective data characterizing the disease and current treatment practices in severely affected patients.

doi: 10.1002/hep.30936