
Start, switch and stop (triple-S) criteria for enzyme replacement therapy of late-onset Pompe disease: European Pompe Consortium recommendation update 2024.

Schoser B, van der Beek NAME, Broomfield A, Brusse E, Diaz-Manera J, Hahn A, Hundsberger T, Kornblum C, Kruijshaar M, Laforet P, Mengel E, Mongini T, Orlikowski D, Parenti G, Pijnappel WWMP, Roberts M, Scherer T, Toscano A, Vissing J, van den Hout JMP, van Doorn PA, Wenninger S, van der Ploeg AT

European journal of neurology, 2024 Jun 14


Two novel enzyme replacement therapies (ERTs), studied in phase 3 trials in late-onset Pompe patients, reached marketing authorization by the European Medicines Agency in 2022 and 2023. The European Pompe Consortium (EPOC) updates and extends the scope of the 2017 recommendations for starting, switching and stopping ERT.

doi: 10.1111/ene.16383